
The Pathway Program

Address: 3900 Rocklin Road Suite #100 Rocklin, CA 95677
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About Us

Help for parents and their children: When a parent finds out their child has been using drugs or alcohol it can bring up many fears and questions; we can help answer many of these questions and offer needed support for both parents and youth. Pathway offers solutions and interventions for all levels of substance use; from early intervention to treatment for addictions. Pathway has been assisting youth and their parents in Arizona for over 30 years. Give us a call today for a no-cost evaluation or phone consultation; our staff is ready to listen and here to help.

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The Pathway Program

Help for parents and their children: When a parent finds out their child has been using dr ...

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Address: 3900 Rocklin Road Suite #100 Rocklin, CA 95677

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