
Canyon Ranch Woodside

$ 950 per night
16350 Skyline Blvd Woodside, CA 94062


  • Updated On:
  • May 7, 2024


Attending a retreat at Canyon Ranch Woodside means stepping into a world where guests can quiet their minds, engage their bodies and explore inner peace. This retreat location is 38-bed center that is just a 45 minute drive outside San Francisco and sits on 16 acres of wooded Redwood property. Canyon has themed retreats so that guests can choose to attend during a time slot that resonates and aligns with their goals and interests. While guests are attending the retreat, they can participate in spa and beauty services like facials and massages. They can also engage in physical movement by working with a personal trainer, hiking, biking, kayaking, equine therapy and walking tours. In addition to movement, clients can dig into their internal world with the help of a spiritual wellness provider and mental health therapist. The goal of Canyon Ranch Woodside is that people can come to learn, plan and dream.


The guestrooms are designed to mimic being in nature. Guests stay in a glass-clad treehouse with a private deck to take in the surroundings. The food that is served at Canyon is locally grown and is chef-made to serve all preferences. Guests can participate in group activities with other guests or stick to individual activities. Guests can create their own schedule to highly personalize their stay.

For more information, please visit Canyon Ranch Woodside

Address: 16350 Skyline Blvd Woodside, CA 94062
Country: United States
Open In Google Maps
Treatment Center Id: 32709
Price: $ 950 per night
Insurance Carrier: I’ll choose insurance later
Other Features
1-on-1 Counseling
Equine Therapy
Massage Therapy
Meditation & Mindfulness
Spiritual Care

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Canyon Ranch Woodside

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