
Quest 2 Recovery

Address: 3239 West Avenue K1 Lancaster, CA 93536
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About Us

Our philosophy at Quest 2 Recovery is simple: heal the mind, body, and spirit in a family-like environment.  We believe in a holistic approach to treatment, one that caters to each individual’s distinct needs.  As a trauma-based treatment program, we believe in resolving the underlying issues that brought the onset of the substance use.  Our team of clinicians help each client identify the faulty belief systems stemming from childhood, then psych-educate clients on the symptoms of PTSD in order to understand and alleviate the power of certain triggers.

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Quest 2 Recovery

At Quest 2 Recovery, we use an evidence-based, discreet, and compassionate approach toward ...

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Address: 3239 West Avenue K1 Lancaster, CA 93536

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