

  • Updated On:
  • January 11, 2023


Triumph Healthcare is a premier residential mental health facility built around the core values of empathy and compassion. They provide adults with chronic or severe psychiatric conditions like ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, and mild dementia with cutting-edge therapies in a luxurious, home-like setting. Their approach to treatment blends evidence-based treatment with Eastern traditions. Therapies like interpersonal therapy (IPT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), eye movement therapy (EMDR), and family and couples counseling are at the core of the residential program. Triumph also uses thorough lab testing to identify the significant DNA variations in a client. The test’s findings can give doctors information about genetics that might affect how a client metabolizes or responds to a particular medication, making this approach more personalized to the patient’s specific needs.

Elegance and Comfort

Located in Laguna Hills, California, Triumph Healthcare aims to provide the utmost comfort for their patients. The beautiful property is surrounded by manicured gardens and plenty of nature. Inside the home, patients can enjoy private bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and elegant furnishing. Spacious common areas are seen throughout the home and an on-site pool is available for swimming and soaking in the California sun. Triumph Healthcare is accredited by the Joint Commission and accepts most private insurance.

For more information, please visit Triumph Healthcare

Address: 26126 Oroville Pl, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Country: United States
Open In Google Maps
Treatment Center Id: 21446
Insurance Carrier: I’ll choose insurance later
Conditions: ADHD/ADD
Types of Centers: Residential

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