
Diamond House Detox

$ 30,000 /month
7880 Alta Valley Dr, Suite 107, Sacramento, CA 95823, ,


  • Updated On:
  • December 7, 2022


Diamond House Detox in Sacramento, California, provides medical detox and residential treatment in a discreet, luxurious setting. The Diamond House Detox takes a holistic approach to treating dual diagnosis and co-occurring illnesses, as well as chronic pain management. Diamond House Detox serves a maximum of 6 clients at a time, offering large private rooms in an up-scale, home-like setting. The detox program typically last 7 days with prices at $1,000 a day, while the residential program is 30 days in length. The residential program features individualized treatment plans, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), traditional talk therapy, eye movement therapy (EMDR), sound therapy, art therapy, 12-Step facilitation, yoga, and more. Each client will be personally seen by the founder of the program and Resident Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.

Diamond House Detox has 2 homes located just 15 minutes from downtown Sacramento. Each client has their own private bedroom with a private bathroom attached to the room. The living rooms are elegantly decorated, offering a calming yet inviting atmosphere. French doors open onto the outdoor patio where clients can enjoy amenities such as a pool, a hot tub, fire pit, outdoor meditation pavilion, and a fire pit. Clients will also enjoy a personal chef on-site that prepares all meals with fresh ingredients. Diamond House offers luxury-level accommodations in a private atmosphere, making it comfortable for clients to recover.

For more information, please visit Diamond House Detox

Address: 7880 Alta Valley Dr, Suite 107, Sacramento, CA 95823
Country: United States
Open In Google Maps
Treatment Center Id: 20429
Price: $ 30,000 /month
Insurance Carrier: I’ll choose insurance later
Conditions: Chronic Relapse
Types of Centers: Residential

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